Small & Mighty Program
After losing my daughter Amari in 2017, I really struggled. I didnt feel like I could do newborn sessions, but still wanted to do something. I ended up going to the special care nursery at Royal Darwin Hospital, where I met two incredibly little boys, Hunter and Huxley. Both boys had been born extremly prematurely, and I was lucky enough to be able to photograph them.
Then when my own nephew was born premature in 2018, I started thinking a lot more about all the NICU and SCN babies that are born each day, and the stressors their families face, and I decided to create the Small & Mighty Program.
The Small & Mighty program is a program for parent of babies born unwell or premature. The program aims to beautifully capture the ins and outs of having a baby in the NICU or SCN, and help remind us of what these incredible little humans have been through.